This was waaaay coool! It kinda hurt at the time, but the surrealness of it all made me think, "Wow, I can't believe I'm doing this!"
So I was cleaning my new piercing this morning (I know, I know, you guys have seen the pics and are getting bored with my crazy schemes already), and I was really concentrating on removing the crusties on the inside of my nose. Yes, it was disgusting, but I liked having a reason to pick my nose.
Anyway, back to my story...I am picking out crusties, and next thing I know, the piercing disappeared into my nose. As I stared at myself in disbelief, I thought, "Whoa, Mamma! What do I do now!???" There were two obvious solutions to my dilemma: push up from the bottom until the top of the stud shows again, or keep on pulling until the darned thing comes out all the way through the inside of my nose.
My first reaction was to push the stud back out the top; after all, it couldn't have wandered too far away. Then I decided to gauge by sensation whether the top of the stud was closer to the top of my nose or whether it was almost out through the bottom anyway. The fact is, I had no friggin' idea how either sensation might feel because I, well, have never been in this particular predicament before!
But when two paths diverge in the woods, you can't stand there staring at the trees all day. I hastily chose the total extraction through the inside of my nose path.
Turns out, this path was the painful path. I had gauged wrong - there was much more stud in there than I estimated.
The good news is that the stud easily, and painlessly, popped right back into its proper holding pattern.
Holy cannolies. Just as I mentioned, the entire experience was a little cool now that I look back on my morning, but should I find myself in this predicament again, remind me to just push up.
3 days ago
if you get a fish hook stuck in anything call me before you start experimenting.
yes, that could be painful. I will leave it, perhaps, and just call it a "new piercing."
I am curious: Mimi, do you have experience extracting fish hooks? Perhaps I don't really want to know...
her stud disappeared
she pulled when she should have pushed
it's not what you think
you nearly lost your stud... I appear to have lost my muse. or at least it's on break. sorry, but at least I tried.
Wow - I know that was all about your nose and your piercing but you kept staying "stud" and pushing and pulling and all I could think was dirty thoughts. I actually have to go back and read that whole story again so I know what happened because my brain was focused about three feet south of where the action really was.
ok - read it again and you know what - I will never get my nose pierced.
You have your fear of vomit and bridges, I have my fear of metal objects going in the outside of my nose and coming through on the inside.
Fish hooks cause trouble everytime I fish drunk. I've given that up.
The fishing or the drinking? Or the "fish drunking."
so you're telling me that if I get a nose ring, then picking my nose becomes ok? sound like a good deal...
I gave up fishing.
i've never tried drunking fish. it sounds very dangerous.
Yes, but have you tried frunking dish? It's quite frun.
and MJ, not only is nose picking okay if you get a piercing in the nostril, it is encouraged!
mimi, sad to see you gave up the fishing. At least you can get too drunk to miss it.
giving up things is a really good skill to have.
yes, I am working on that - first the mediocrity, and then the disorganization. To accomplish that, it should only take me...a lifetime (which isn't very long at all in the scheme of things).
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