Still in cleaning mode here. Emptying a house of clutter is a ginormous task (ginormous is my four-year-old's new favorite word, btw). On Monday, we officially moved the TV into the front room, and turned the family room into a play area. The drums are set up in the corner of the new play area, and the couch will be leaving that room at the end of this month (the soonest I could arrange for a Salvation Army pick up). Woo hoo!
Basically, I am quite happy about the results of the purge so far even though the organizing is only partially complete. In fact, in general, I am by far the happiest I have ever been during the rainy season. I would even go as far to say that I am content...and those of you who know me know that is saying quite a bit.
Why am I content? That's a loaded question. Nothing has really changed externally. As I mentioned a few months back, though, I've made an internal change - a commitment to get rid of fear and to listen to the Lord - not just to speak to Him, but also to listen. My New Year's resolution is to continue on that path. Of course this means that I've had to leave the mediocrity behind because even though every thing I do may appear to be half-ass, I am no longer striving for half-ass. Goodbye fear.
Intention - that's the key change. But the follow through is what counts.
Which reminds me...has anyone ever seen the "infomercial" on PBS for the guy who espouses, "The Power of Intention." What a joke. I could "intend" to do a ton of things. That's my problem, really. I intend to do things all day. What I really need is a program for, "The Power of 'Follow Through.'" Give me ten steps to do that, why don't ya.
Anyway, I'd love to chat, but I have to get back to my other daily duty as the house laundrarian.
3 days ago
laundrarian is a mighty cool word.
Yeah, I just thunk that up. Amazing the thinks one can think when one is in hot pursuit of leaving mediocrity. It occurred to me that managing the laundry for six people and a dog is much like managing books. People use and return daily. Also, the task is never ending; just as quickly as I can reshelf, more is taken out.
Yes, indeedy and you know what else...when I grow up, I want to be like you.
Yes, and I want to be like Mimi when I grow up too - funny, smart, and have really cool hobbies.
No, Mimi is weird!
I was talking about BSP! Not because she isn't weird. She is. All college professors are a little weird. Even though Mimi has the pinball and ham radio thing going on, BSP has bigger boobs and well...I just can't underestimate the value of boobs.
Now, now. I'm not in competion with anyone. Can't we all just get along?
Here we are at boobs again. And laundry. Will we be seeing a "wardrobe malfunction" on BSP's blog? Hmmm.
You are right mimi! No need to compete and we can only hope for a wardrobe malfunction.
Yes, there are clearly no protrusions to be seen in my Christmas picture, but there's always next year!
And there never was any competition on my blog - it's my blog, so I win, boobs down.
Just catching up on my blog reading! I just have one important question: have you given up your fear of vomiting? :-)
can a zebra change it's stripes?
Well, I fear vomit coming out of my mouth, but I am not nearly as afraid of vomit as I used to be.
Funny, because I always told myself that I didn't care to rid myself of this phobia. I know that people who are afraid to fly, for example, eventually end up on an airplane, and frankly, I think I could live the rest of my life without ever having to vomit again.
However, I'm beginning to think that God has other plans. A mother of four children can't go through life without coming in contact with lots - and I mean lots - of vomit. I've had two incidents in the last month with two of my kids, in fact.
Basically, I think that God's plain is to ease me into vomit - you know, get rid of the fear by exposure. It's awful hard to run when my daughter is crying and puking in the toilet. So I stay, and every incident makes me feel less and less scared (and we are talking about a girl here that literally would run and hide at the first signs of nausea from anyone in the room; I could sense it in a 20 meter radius).
Perhaps a zebra can't change her stripes, but she can decide whether or not she will see herself as having white stripes on a black canvas or black stripes on a white canvas.
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