Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Christmas in July?

Santa has a summer gig that has nothing to do with the North Pole or kids or presents. It’s true. Apparently his other line of work is concrete. Three new houses are under construction just down the street. I saw him yesterday in his signature color – though he was wearing a battered red tank top rather than the red and white fur trimmed winter attire – pouring a driveway. Oh, and he was also wearing shorts and flops. But I knew who he was. The fact that he was looking a little grungy and was covered with a light layer of cement dust didn’t fool me. Long white full beard, big belly, slight man boobs – yes, it was Santa all right.


Maria Dudley said...

Nicely done. Can't believe someone said you had a lot to learn as a writer...

bluesugarpoet said...

I take that as a huge complement from you, Maria - particularly because I know that's coming from one English teacher to another. I would be lying if I said I wasn't crushed when I was first faced with the ugly truth about my writing way back when. In time, though, I've learned to embrace the horrible truth - just as I have learned to embrace many things about me. In fact, since then I've discovered that I suck at quite few things...

Jane D. said...

methinks you are both too hard on yourselves and both absolutely fabulous...I might be a little biased since you are two of the best friends a girl could EVER have.

PJD said...

boy, you can really feel the love here...

bluesugarpoet said...

yes, were all about the love here...that's what girlfriends are for. glad to have them.

Maria Dudley said...

ditto to that!