Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Merry Christmas

Lovely little Poets, aren't they?

Besides avoiding the frenzy of pre-Christmas stuff, I went to the U2 concert last night. Wow. Larry is hot.

Anyway, have a fantastic Christmas and New Year everyone!!!


Selene said...

Wow the littlest one is getting so big!

Maully Coddle said...

Your family looks amazing and so happy. It is great to see how you are all looking and to read how you are doing also.

I hope the holiday are super special for you and yours.

P.S I hope you know who this is. :D

bluesugarpoet said...

Thank you friend! You have always been dear to my heart (and I just don't tell people enough how much I care about them - but I do think it every day).

You need to post pics of you and your sons - just seems like yesterday that I was watching your oldest son's amazing birth.

Lots of love to you - have a great Christmas and New Year!

Selene said...

Group Hug!! Where's Gracie!

Jane D. said...

Ok - I am in, but can we kiss too? Xoxoxo

Maully Coddle said...

Woohoo! I am in for the kisses and the hugs!! :P