Friday, January 09, 2009

"To sleep..."

"...perchance to dream..."

Hamlet III, i

Never mind the dreams. I would just settle for some "sleep." Since Poetroad has been gone, I have not been sleeping well. Maybe 3 hours a night? And then I lay awake until the sun begins to rise and eventually fall asleep for a few more hours...if I'm lucky. Totally sucks.


Dalene said...

Are you like me....checking your blog DURING SCHOOL?

YES-YES I'm all about the Dickens characters. If the name is symbolic, I'm all over that. The deal is, I tend to remember the symbolic elements and not the actual names...

LOVED Kafka. Crazy little book. I think I need to read Clockwork Orange this year...

bluesugarpoet said...

lol - I don't start back until Monday...which might be one reason why I'm not sleeping. Anxiety.

ha ha - yes, I forget names too...except I always remember that Dickens named a teacher "M'Chukumchild."

Kafka is one of my faves!

Anonymous said...

My kids are not and have never been sleepers, so even now, at 4 and 3, we co-sleep, because otherwise, we do NOT sleep. And as I like to remind naysayers, they torture people by keeping them awake. Wishing you some Ambien-like sleep soon. :)

bluesugarpoet said...

So sleep = torture!

Thanks for the sleep wishes, Aerin!

Dalene said...

BTW, I realize Kafka didn't write Clockwork Orange. I'm just feeling the need for Lit that's a bit on the dark side. Tell me about "The Idiot." I'm reading Crime and Punishment right now and love Dostoyevsky. It reads like melty-yummy honey butter on a warm roll. Simple and complicated all at the same time.

bluesugarpoet said...

Crime and Punishment is like the main course, but The Idiot is dessert. I've long forgot several passages from C & P, but much of The Idiot still hangs on me like a heady aroma or a beautiful memory (a *terrible* beautiful memory).