Some of my best friends are tall people...
[Ouch. When she starts out with a line like that, you know it's going to be a scathing diatribe railing against the "tall."]
For the record, I measure up to a mere 5 feet 3 inches tall. That's right - I've gained an entire inch since the eighth grade. Surprisingly enough, I was born to a family of unusually tall people; for example, I have an uncle that is 6'8", a brother that is 6'5"+, another brother that is 6'3" (AND a nephew that is that tall - he is only in the eighth grade), a father that is 6'1" and a mom that is 5'7". She is the shortest of the lot - until I was born, that is. Whatever. I'm not bitter about it or anything...
Anyway, since I'm practically dwarf-hight, it wouldn't surprise you if I observed that America caters to the "tall." At the grocery store in order to get the deli guy's attention, sometimes I have to make a scene because I can only see over the deli counter if I am on my tip toes. In addition, potentially, if I am in an automobile accident, I am in more danger of being injured; heck - a tall person could walk away from a minor accident, and my neck could be broken as a result of the deployed air bag. Also, I have to climb onto and stand on the counter in order to reach the top shelf in my kitchen cabinets. These are typical obstacles I face on a daily basis.
Don't even venture to say that you tall people have tried to accommodate us. Sure, we have our own clothing line fashionably referred to as "petite." The tall have "big and tall" wear too.
But what really chaps my hide is how the tall seem to think that they are "entitled" to certain liberties. Such as standing in the front row at her child's choir concert at the "standing room only" performance. At least be considerate and duck down so that we shorties can also see.
Funny thing about that - even if I arrive early, those tallies always seem to be there fifteen minutes before me. Always standing, too. Geeze - even when I am standing in the front row, I have the decency to scrunch down so that the shorter ones - such as the random 4th or 5th grader - can see. In any event, at every choir or band or dance recital there is a random head or shoulder in the foreground of the picture. Oh, I hold that camera as high as I can - I don't even look in the viewfinder anymore, but the camera lens still won't reach over the shoulder of the guy standing in front of me.
Whatever. My daughter was busy picking her nose at this morning's performance anyway.
3 days ago
Posting that photo is evil. You're supposed to wait until she has a boyfriend, then pull it out at the first family dinner to which he's invited.
For boys, it's the photo of the toddler climbing into the tub that comes out at the "first family dinner."
(isn't she cute? with that finger jammed up her schnoz?)
(notice also that she is picking with her middle finger. niiiiice.)
I think you could make a case that she may actually be biting her nails. Too bad we don't have that super CIA satellite photo software you always see in Tom Clancy movies. All I have is photoshop, and my skillz are not mad enough to convince a jury.
Oh, there isn't any doubt as to what she was doing. See how her nose is scrunched up? This is the best shot I could get of it, though. LOL
yeah, but you got two of the other kids *eating* theirs.
and you mean to say *all* of your friends are tall[er] people, didn't you? (zing!)
at least you aren't one of those *and a half* people. Margie is 5-foot-2 and a half. I swear, the half is in the soles of her shoes.
did I just say that? *shhhh*. you need to allow anonymous comments for my protection.
BOL - yes, at least she had the sense to wipe her booger onto her pants!
For the longest time, I measured 5'2" and 1/4. But at my last Dr. appt. a few years ago, the nurse said 5'3". I jumped all over that. lol I wonder which shoes I was wearing that day?...
you look much taller in your photo.
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